:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: News from way back when
October 15, 2002 - January 1,
A few pics from way
back when - GabbyLu-
15, 2002 10:51 pm
Just decided to post
some pictures I took back in the 1999-2000 school year... or,
I THINK it was that year. I have LOTS more from '99-'01 will
post later. Any way... go here
'99-'00 Pictures: total pics
Seasons that never
GabbyLu October 20, 2002 11:57
Why is it STILL october??!!!
this month seems to be dragging along for some reason. Any
Y'all did great at NAU, gabby is proud of you 'lil
kiddies! More work is coming toward your way though, the more
time spent on certain aspects of the show the better it will
get. Practice at least 15-20 min. of your music when you have
nothing to do. some things y'all should work on is on accents
and dynamics, they're lacking somewhat... but other than that
Y'ALL WERE AWESOME!!! The marching has improved so
On to Marcos!! Tear 'dem suckahs
Hollows Eve -GabbyLu-
October 31, 2002 8:08
Just came to inform
you all that I am now (as I type this) doing a tweak on main
page b2k, it should be done by sunday... or tomorrow... who
knows. It's lookin' pretty good right now.
For those
expecting me tomorrow (Friday), I won't be able to make it I
have to work well into the night tomorrow doing paper work of
sorts. BLAH!
The End?! -GabbyLu- November 25, 2002 5:33
Weeeeeee'rrrrreeeee baaaaaaack! Hopefully the board
gets rollin' again like it was before.... 'cause this long
awaited moment has come and we're open OPEN open
features.... Community status/ description thingy at bottom
of main board page. LIVE CHAT: Can only be used when your
logged on. Uses JAVA, don't have it, get it 'cause your behind
the times! ( I don't want to specifically point out people
STEPH, JACKIE... and the rest of the clan) Naw, j/k you guys
most likely have it... MOST LIKELY, I
OOOOOooooOh! Lumberjack! But hairy
ain't my thing -GabbyLu- January 1,
2003 1:01 am
Okay... I managed to
drive most of my annoying family members away from my room...
so with the little time I have, I communicate with
The 2003 B-blue layout is out... just not yet
published. It's plain jane, but pretty kewl lookin' at the
same time. Just the main B2K page is effected, no updates on
the other ones 'cause... well, i have none. I may put out on
the net on Thursday. I'm still trying to see how I can work in
some orange with the blue as Kevin requested. I admit, with
the little orange already in there it doesn't clash at all and
looks quite decent and nice.
Ok... I must leave...
no time.... i can hear my door breaking down as we
speak....................................... ...............................................................................
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