B2K Contest Hey, hey! It's time folks!
Here's what you have to do to get this nifty little beenie
winter thing...
Note: For those new to
this... Cleptomania is a common thing that a lot of bands
share, it's practically become tradition.
[Got more
to Share?] Anyone from back in the hay day that
wants to add to the list... just email me!
iwik1 at hotmail dot
com ((@hotmail.com)) (want to avoid SPAM
robots) |
B2K Contest Hey, hey!
It's time folks! Here's what you have to do to get this
nifty little beenie winter thing...
Winter time is here y'all!
All you have to do is 'aquire' a fast food item that would be
note worthy and send me a picture! As easy as that.
Back Track: Most memorable fast
food item taken; Life Size
Pillsbury Dogh Boy from Burger King: NAU '98
Ever Since then: Straw Despencers Napkin
Despencers Many Salt and Pepper shakers Big Window Display Stickers (whoah
tricky: NAU '01 (Spencer)) Food Trays (Kelly?) ... and
many things i'm sure I don't know about.
Images of the Moment
These aren't too great,
they're just Screen Caps. from my vid camera.